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INTERNET!!! I love it, I hate it.

My first post in a long while, and another rant… and as ever the subject is: Computers. More specifically our relationship to them, vis a vis what is apropos. Namsayin. Internet. Too much. rant over:

Ok, rant not really over. Did one of y’all point me to the above? Have you guys seen this already? Sorry if so. If not, then its a good read. The gist is that we depend so much on the immediate omniscience that smartphones afford, that we, as a society are becoming less creative, less empathic, and less interesting. Its just true.  Y’all know where I stand on social media so I won’t get too preachy, but its getting bad folks. This – the ever-encroaching feedback loop of social media connectedness and the distance it puts between people and their privacy – will absolutely be the generational divide that makes me a grumpy old curmudgeon – whose kids think I just don’t understand – when I get older.  Shit, maybe it already has.  Maybe y’all just need to ship me off to a house with a lawn to scream at kids to get off of and a cane and some cream to apply to my skin to make me smell like bandaids and poop. I do have to say it though, being around social-media-obsessed youth is fucking annoying.  There were some younger family members at the table at thanksgiving this year, and they sat there not engaging with anyone, looking bored to be alive, taking pictures of themselves. Why do you think anyone wants to see that? Why do you think your face and opinion matter? Who told these kids that their opinions matter? Ugh.

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And Another Thing!! This:


Now I can’t say that I’d quit internet for a week. But I’m inclined to try. I, like most of the world, check my shit dawn and dusk, and when an idle moment arrives I look for something to occupy it, and usually the phone fits the bill.  Generationally, theres another one.  My parents regulated and bemoaned how much TV and video games I consumed, and said that this generation (speaking of mine/ours) was doomed to be boob-tube dullards who couldn’t sit still without input and stimulation.  Its true.  Along the gamut between stick whiddlin hermit and annoyed-to-be-made-of-living-flesh facebook teenager I feel like I’m somewhere in the middle, most of our generation is.  Still, I try, sometimes to just let life happen, to just be in the moment and not constantly be googling every missing byte of data that my mind comes across, and its fun.  So blah blah blah, everything in moderation, balance and stuff, you know the drilly. Im sayin tho.

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  1. Couldn’t agree more with your rant. I’ve been riding the NYC public transport for awhile now, and I’m CONSTANTLY listening to music on my commutes. And sometimes reading a cached article. I just don’t ever walk anywhere without listening to music. Good or bad, but there I am and I doubt I will change anytime soon. Its just great to block out the world and go about your day. Anyway…

    Over the last few years I have noticed more and more people with their faces glued to the screens on the subway ride. I’ve often wondered about the day when I will see everyone with earbuds in, reading an ebook, playing a game or listening to music. so far I think I’ve seen about 75% of those in my car doing this.

    But you’re right, its not good and we are increasingly cut off from one another, even when sitting next to them. I can’t tell you how irritating it is for someone to be in their phone when I am out with them. fucking hell, most of my friends do this constantly. I think I might actually bring this up next time we are out. Lord knows I am guilty of it too (rarely).

    My main reason for writing is your point about youth and everyone being “special.” fuck that noise. you are not special, you are a collection of random molecules that in the end won’t matter. everyone is special and no one is. I feel my age everyday and have gotten used to the old man in my head getting louder and louder. we (and by we I mean them) are raising a generation of fucktards. no wonder china is spanking us. kids don’t want to work at mcdonalds, or work for minimum wage. they all want to be fucking wolves of wall street in their first year out of school. ok the rant train is leaving the station. its been awhile gents, good to be back 🙂

  2. “Who told these kids that their opinions matter? Ugh.”

    THIS. This is exactly whats wrong with EVERYTHING today. Sometime in the mid eighties, there was an all out shift to treat kids like they have been running the planet since the Big Bang. Adults have been continually marginalized in society ever since. What society on the planet other than the USA places more importance on its, pardon, fucking stupid, no-nothing youth and treats adults like they aren’t shit. In fact, now adults are trying to cling to their youth like it’s the sole goal in life. Nothing pisses me off more than seeing, say, a fifty year old woman trying to dress like she’s 25. BE 50! It’s awesome. There’s simply no respect for age, experience and reason. Entitlement and Ignorance will be the downfall of our nation. We’re watching it happen. Now, technology. Technology now lets everyone feel like they’re giving a 24/7 TED talk. Think about it: every under-achieving asshole you’ve ever met, now thinks they’re fucking Stephen Hawking in every course of study — yet no one bothers to study anything. But everyone knows EVERYTHING. Yarbles. People barely know American History, debating government on line and shit. Adults need to recalim society. Thats my feeling. I remember being a kid, seeing my mom do adult things like “damn, i cant WAIT to grow up so I can go see shows and bars and do adult things. Now you can barely go get something to eat without some baby crying or some brat running around your table. I dunno. Our society put all it’s chips on the least informed bet, and now we’re paying the price. This may not make sense. So be it.

  3. This generation is way too tuned in. Smart phones, tablets, clouds, tinders, tweets, facebooks, cell phones, emails, beepers, fax machines, walkie-talkies, transistor radios, telephones, telegraphs, tongues. Where will it stop?